I have to go through about 25 movies before I find one that I can say I absolutely loved. The acting, starting with Jennifer Lawrence, was exceptionally good. I was drawn deeper and deeper into the story and the characters and after about a fourth of the way through I knew I was hooked. so, why not? I immediately found myself captivated by the beautiful cinematography and background theme and despite the over-the-top and ridiculous costumes and makeup of the people in The Capitol I decided to continue watching. I could check it out for free and if I didn't like it I could turn it off after ten minutes. Fast forward several years: the book had been out, the movie hade been out, the DVD had been out and only then did I accidentally stumble across the DVD at the library. The enormous hype made me mildly curious, but not so curious that I wanted to read the book. It seemed you couldn't turn around without hearing it being discussed everywhere. I first heard about the story when the book came out. I am not into the teen age drivel that seems to be everywhere you look these days but. OK, look, I'm probably old enough to be the grandfather of most of the people submitting reviews to this movie. This is not so much a review, everything has already been said in the other postings, but rather my experience with this movie and book. However, the US PG-13 version was submitted to the BBFC for the UK Blu-ray release, which was classified '15' uncut.

This pre-cut version was released on DVD in the UK with a 12 rating. The BBFC then gave the film a 12A rating for cinema release. Blood splashes were digitally removed from both impacts to bodies and blood on blades of weapons, achieved through the darkening of certain shots and by digitally erasing blood from the image. When the finished film was submitted to the BBFC for a formal classification, the BBFC stated that more cuts would be needed in order to secure the 12A. These included the use of alternate footage and the digital removal of blood. Four scenes were changes, removing bloody violence, threat and a scene of injury. The BBFC explained a 12A rating would be likely if the violence was toned down. A rough cut of the film was submitted to the BBFC in the UK for an advisory screening, a process used by filmmakers to see how likely a film will obtain a certain rating.